Sample geometry. Matrix with x and y coordinates for initial shape. FEA::SurfTrac
List of element matrices with surface traction. Obtained from function: SurfaceTraction FEA::beamBC
Boundary conditions applied to each node. Obtained from function: beamApplyBC FEA::beamDime
Dimensional data for beam elements. Includes area, length, aspect ratio, angles and lengths of elements. Obtained from function: beamDimensions FEA::beamEmat
List of element matrices for each element. Obtained from function: beamElementMat FEA::beamExMat
List of element matrices for each element. Obtained from function: beamElementMat FEA::beamFV
Load vector produced from function function: beamForceVector FEA::beamGLforce
Global and Local loading force matrices obtained from function: beamGLForces FEA::beamGeo
Sample geometry for beam. Includes shape, discretization table, boundary conditions, thickness, and material details. FEA::beamGloMat
Global element matrix, obtained from function: beamGlobalEM FEA::beamND
Global nodal displacement, obtained from function: beamNodeDis FEA::beamREM
Reduced element matrix calculated from the expanded element matrix. Obtained from function: beamReducedEM FEA::beamStressResult
FEA results for the beam model. Obtained from function: beamStress FEA::beamsUDL
Uniformly distributed load on beam surface FEA::bound
Boundary conditions applied to each node. Obtained from function: ApplyBC FEA::cleanpoly
Cleaned nodal distribution in and on polygon. Obtained from function: Threshpts FEA::dime
Dimensional data for mesh elements. Includes area, length, aspect ratio, angles and lengths of elements. Obtained from function: Dimensions FEA::displacN
Global nodal displacement, obtained from function: NodeDis FEA::expSurf
Expanded element matrix for surface forces. Obtained from function: ExpandSFT FEA::fea_EM
List of element matrices for each element. Obtained from function: ElementMat FEA::fea_ExEM
List of large expanded element matrices calculated from the element matrix. Obtained from function: ExpandEM FEA::fea_result
FEA results. Produces list with results from local stresses including Stress, Strain, and Stress from Strain. Obtained from function: LocalStress FEA::glfor
Global and Local loading force matrices obtained from function: GLForces FEA::gloMat
Global element matrix, obtained from function: GlobalMat FEA::load
Load vector produced from function function: ForceVector FEA::polyshape
Sample geometry converted into a 2D polygon. Polygon data that specifies all coordinate, coordinates that are within the geometry and coordinates that construct the lines of the geometry. Obtained from function: SinglePoly FEA::reduc_EM
Reduced element matrix calculated from the expanded element matrix. Obtained from function: ReducedEM FEA::reduc_SF
Reduced surface force matrix calculated from expanded element matrix. Obtained from function: ReducedSF FEA::triMesh
Meshed coordinate points obtained from function: triangulate0